Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 17 (1985)(ASP Software)(Side B).tzx
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3 code 3 2 gertie 2 SCORE =";SC; 2 PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE": 2 ;"press 'R' to read again": 2 ;"press 'L' to load next" 2 ;"STOP THE TAPE": 2 ;"START THE TAPE": 2 ;"ROOM=";ROOM 2 ;" ": 2 ;" 2 1 ~ccc~ccc>cccccc>wkkkcccc?```> 1 z$=z$+"allow you to alter and map it.The kind of editor in fact usedduring game development. Mappingis a bit tedious as the viewscreen is too small to get agood idea of surroundinglocations. And some locationswill need some thought to getinto. After a lot of play Ienjoyed this and imagine thatwith some more development theconcept will realy take off." 1 z$=z$+"actions. The menu system forcommands is not well designedfor easy access to unitinformation. And its a positivepain considering the frequencyyou have to alter some unitsassaults. Whilst this is a differentsituation to most I found it tooeasy to win after a couple ofplays. If it fails then it mustbe due to the subject choice." 1 z$="find the Soviets have filteredback into it. Differing levels of assaultcan be set and they can bog downif the units morale or strengthgets low. Units can regain these by being rested. Once you make the decisionwhere to launch the amin attackits then a cycle of grinding" 1 z$="a 100 mins. Luckily you can playpast the deadline and so learnmore about whats going on. Eachteam member has various status bars which show how much agilityetc they have left. This roundsout the characters quite wellas in D & D. Beyond are going to issue atuner for the game which will" 1 z$="05000202"+t$: 1 z$="04000202 1 z$="01020202Question No."+ 1 z$="00000204 1 y$=y$+"systems. The game is fun to play tho'. Good use of colour and plentyof tense action allows you toidentify with your hit team.They have to rescue this guy yousee and zap the bad guys thentake out their starship. All in" 1 y$=y$+" You play the Germans whilstthe micro does a fair job as theSoviet defenders. A turn has 4seperate assault phases in whichif an area is cleared ofdefenders you can go on toassault an adjacent area. In thedesire to do this you can leavean area unoccupied and later" 1 y$="This much heralded icon drivengame is with us. But is thistype of input worth the effort?As with other graphic adventuresyou guide the characters one ata time. Icons with a joystickallow much quicker input. Butnow the problem is you can't usethis speed to give characters asequence of commands and letthem get on with it. Its a niceidea but realy is so much chromeand not so different from someconsidered menu driven command" 1 y$="Curious subject for a game thebattle of Stalingrad. This isnot a game of movement in thesweeping sense. Rather one ofcontinual assaults and managingunits. Another curiosity tomost will be the map andcounters to keep track of whereyou are. Its a pity that most ofthe map areas are too small to fit the counters in easily. Iused a plastic overlay and felttips to mark my progress. " 1 x;"SPEC-SOUND. (MENU 1)" 1 x$=" Seige on the Volga Beyond 48k press any key to read review" 1 x$=" Shadowfire Beyond 48k press any key to read review" 1 would expect to find 1 w,r;"CATEGORIES": 1 the answers in here! 1 t,w;"This program will enable you to listen to a library of spectrum sounds . It will also list all the code necessary to reproduce any selected sound." 1 shadowfireQ 1 seigevolgaV 1 sc=sc+(room*45 1 reviews 1 opyright 1985 Pete Cooke and Russell Rawlingson." 1 k$="ONCE UPON A TIME A HOUSEWIFE NAMED 'GERTIE' WAS DOING THE WASHING WHEN THE MICROCHIP IN THE SPIN DRYER WENT MAD AND SUCKED HER IN THROUGH THE DOOR" 1 i=i+b*t-t: 1 gertie P 1 find the Soviets have filteredback into it. Differing levels of assaultcan be set and they can bog downif the units morale or strengthgets low. Units can regain these by being rested. Once you make the decisionwhere to launch the amin attackits then a cycle of grindingactions. The menu system forcommands is not well designedfor easy access to unitinformation. And its a positivepain considering the frequencyyou have to alter some unitsassaults. Whilst this is a differentsituation to most I found it tooeasy to win after a couple ofplays. If it fails then it mustbe due to the subject choice. 1 d:READ d:POKE a,b: 1 d "'"30 1 comp'n 1 call bigprint 1 c$="SIREN ALARM WARNING SPACE INVADER MISC. HORN BOMB EXPLOSIVESHOOTING ZAPPED JUNGLE ENGINE JINGLE " 1 b=31000 "'"20 1 a 100 mins. Luckily you can playpast the deadline and so learnmore about whats going on. Eachteam member has various status bars which show how much agilityetc they have left. This roundsout the characters quite wellas in D & D. Beyond are going to issue atuner for the game which willallow you to alter and map it.The kind of editor in fact usedduring game development. Mappingis a bit tedious as the viewscreen is too small to get agood idea of surroundinglocations. And some locationswill need some thought to getinto. After a lot of play Ienjoyed this and imagine thatwith some more development theconcept will realy take off. 1 a " 1 X,L,A$,SPEED,RCOL: 1 X$="gertie": 1 This much heralded icon drivengame is with us. But is thistype of input worth the effort?As with other graphic adventuresyou guide the characters one ata time. Icons with a joystickallow much quicker input. Butnow the problem is you can't usethis speed to give characters asequence of commands and letthem get on with it. Its a niceidea but realy is so much chromeand not so different from someconsidered menu driven commandsystems. The game is fun to play tho'. Good use of colour and plentyof tense action allows you toidentify with your hit team.They have to rescue this guy yousee and zap the bad guys thentake out their starship. All inZ 1 THIS IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE? 1 THIS IS FOR THE NEXT 1 THE FINAL CONFLICT 1 SPEC-SOUND 1 SOUND START NUMBER. ";f$: 1 SOUND NO. TYPE- ": 1 SIREN ALARM WARNING SPACE INVADER MISC. HORN BOMB EXPLOSIVESHOOTING ZAPPED JUNGLE ENGINE JINGLE 1 SIMON IS A CHEAT 1 Ramtop can be altered using the basic command CLEAR address." 1 ROOM=ROOM+1 1 READ THE DATA LIST 1 RAWLINGSON 1 PRESS P FOR A COPY TO BE SENT TOTHE PRINTER OR ANY KEY TO RETURN" 1 PRESS KEY"'''" 1 PRESS KEY Q TO QUIT PROGRAM" 1 POINTS TO REMEMBER"''" 1 PLEASE WAIT 1 Only a real wally 1 OH. NO YOU DONT! 1 MENU 2 PRESS"; 1 Length of routine = ";e-j+x;" bytes."; 1 L TO LIST CATEGORIES"; 1 KEY 2 TO INCREASE SOUND NO."''" KEY 1 TO DECREASE SOUND NO."''" KEY 0 TO LIST CODE FOR SOUND."''" ENTER KEY TO LISTEN TO SOUND"''" M KEY FOR MENU 1."''" 1 K$=K$+". THE CHIP DEMANDED SHE TAKE PART IN A COMPUTER GAME BEFORE SHE WOULD BE FREED YOUR JOB IS TO HELP GERTIE BY GUIDING HER ROUND THE ROBOTS SOME OF WHICH ARE ELECTRIFIED AND PUSH THE YELLOW BUTTON THAT WILL GET HER INTO THE NEXT ROOM." 1 K$=K$+" YOU MAY CONTROL GERTIE BY USING 'O' FOR LEFT 'P' FOR RIGHT AND 'N'&'M' FOR JUMP" 1 K$="WELL DONE, THE CHIP HAS FREED GERTIE SO SHE CAN GET ON WITH THE WASHING. LOOK OUT FOR GERTIE TWO WHEN GERTIE WILL BE TAKING HER REVENGE." 1 HOLDING THE ENTER KEY REPEATS" 1 GAME LOADER. 1 FINISH SOUND NUMBER ";f$: 1 EXAMPLES"'''" 1 ENTER CATEGORY": 1 Curious subject for a game thebattle of Stalingrad. This isnot a game of movement in thesweeping sense. Rather one ofcontinual assaults and managingunits. Another curiosity tomost will be the map andcounters to keep track of whereyou are. Its a pity that most ofthe map areas are too small to fit the counters in easily. Iused a plastic overlay and felttips to mark my progress. You play the Germans whilstthe micro does a fair job as theSoviet defenders. A turn has 4seperate assault phases in whichif an area is cleared ofdefenders you can go on toassault an adjacent area. In thedesire to do this you can leavean area unoccupied and laterZ 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 CAR COMPETITION! 1 All the address's given in the examples which follow can be changed in your own programs. The machine code in all listingsis position independant & will work from any address above ramtop or in a Rem statement." 1 ANY OTHER KEY FOR MENU 2"''" 1 A PRINTER 1 ;'''''''" Keep the card safe until next month, when the second half of the competition will appear along with the second entry form. You will need both forms to enter the competition." 1 ;"______________" 1 ;"WHICH ROOM DO YOU WISH TO START": 1 ;"TO LOAD NEXT PROGRAM"; 1 ;"SAVE THE GAME?(Y/N)": 1 ;"PRESS PLAY ON YOUR TAPE RECORDER": 1 ;"PLEASE STOP YOUR TAPE RECORDER": 1 ;"PASSWORD NOT ACCEPCTED": 1 ;"PASSWORD ACCEPTED": 1 ;"LOADING"; 1 ;"LOADING FINISHED"; 1 ;"LET TAPE RUN" 1 ;"JET SET GERTIE"; 1 ;"INPUT THE CHEATCODE" 1 ;"DO YOU WISH TO BREAK THE PROGRAM(Y/n)": 1 ;"4 LOAD NEXT GAME" 1 ;"3 INTRO"; 1 ;"2 SOUND OFF"; 1 ;"2 SOUND OFF" 1 ;"1 SOUND ON"; 1 ;"1 SOUND ON " 1 ;"0 PLAY GAME"; 1 ;" Now loading... ": 1 32600 32432 1 31000 " 1 30021: INPUT b:POKE a,b:NEXT a "'"30 1 30000 " 1 23760 " 1 21,33,100,0,17,20,0,229, 213,205,181,3,209,225,1,25,0, 237,66,48,242,201 "'"40 1 21,33,100,0,17,20,0,229, 213,205,181,3,209,225,1,25,0, 237,66,48,242,201 " 1 10 must be the 1st line of your program & contain enough zero's to hold the m/code."'"The variable b in line 20 pointsto the 1st zero in line 10." 1 10 CLEAR 30999: 1 10 CLEAR 29999 "'"20 FOR a = 30000 1 1 FOR EXAMPLE PROGRAMS ON HOW TOENTER AND USE THE CODE LISTINGS."''"KEY S TO SAVE SOUNDS" 1 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1 000000000000000000000000 "'"20 1 - (# 1 +n);".";a$: 1 *R),SPEED: 1 );" SOUNDS": 1 '''"LINE 10 clears ramtop."'"LINE 20 sets up a simple loop from 30000 to 30021 ( 21 being the length of the sound routine)" 1 '" Line 10 sets ramtop & the start address of the sound routine."'" Line 20 is a simple loop which first reads the length of the sound routine (21)from the data in line 30. It then reads the rest of the data in line 30 one at a time & pokes each in turn into locations 31000 1 %*37:@HS[dv 1 "shadowfire" 1 "seigevolga" 1 "ZX Spectrum","Electron","Enterprise","Commodore C16","CBM 64" 1 "When running this program you have to enter each number in thelisting in turn." 1 "The largest British computer (until 1979)","The British computer used as a code-breaker in World War II","The computer used by NASA during the first Moon landing","The World's first chess computer","The computer controlling the American early-warning system" 1 "The code you have saved can be loaded into any area of memory above ramtop,or into a REM line.If it is to be loaded into a REMline then the first line of yourprogram must be a REM containingat least ";i;" zero's"'"For information on how to load code ref. sinclair manual pages 141 and 180" 1 "SPEC-SOUND" 1 "Random Access Memory","Randomize All Memory","Reading Accumulator Micro- processor","A woolly-headed programmer","Refresh Amplitude Modulator" 1 "Pascal","Cobol","Algol","Fortrol","PL/1" 1 "On a unexpanded spectrum with a REM as the first line of your program, 23760 is the address ofthe first byte after the REM." 1 "Now enter these letters on your answer card": 1 "Line 30 reads the m/code & pokesit into line 10 (the same way asline 30 in example 1)." 1 "Laurence Pascal","Sir Clive Sinclair","Pierre Boole","Martin Edwardes","Charles Babbage" 1 "LINE 30 calls the sound routine." 1 "In computing, what is (or was) Colossus ?","What is a baud rate ?","What type of Algebra is used inside your computer ?","What is the magnetic material used on your tape magazine ?" 1 "How many bytes in a kilobyte ?","What does RAM stand for ?","For which computer does Argus Press Software 1 "Ferric Oxide","Copper Oxide","Aluminium Oxide","Magnesium Sulphate","Nitrous Oxide" 1 "EXAMPLE 3 :- DIRECT ENTRY."''" 1 "EXAMPLE 2 :- In a 1 "EXAMPLE 1 :- Above ramtop"''" 1 "Algorithmic Algebra","Binary Algebra","Boolean Algebra","Euclidean Algebra","Dysfunctional Algebra" 1 "A special tax paid by registered software companies","The speed at which a tape or disc revolves","The speed of data transfer in bits per second","The concentration of data on tape or disc","The time it takes to load a program in milliseconds" 1 "A byte in your computer is made up of how many bits ?","Which of these is 1 "7";"= ";c$(y 1 "5","8","16","255","256" 1 "33110"+f*t-t: 1 "32769",w: 1 "32769",o: 1 "32768",x: 1 "23658",w: 1 "16",t+x;" 1 "100","1000","1023","1024","1825" 1 " Then complete the tie-breaking sentence in not more than fifteen words - your computer can't help you here!" 1 " Send the completed card to us (to be received not later than 30th November 1985). Don't forget to stick on a postage stamp ! Good Luck !...... " 1 " Put your answers to the questions into the boxes on the entry form printed on the back of the card." 1 " " 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!! " "" 1 !!!!!!!!!!! 1 !!!!!!!!! "" " 1 !!!!!!! 1 tune written on music interrupt program! 1 to load next item or anyother key to try again": 1 to answer or 1 produce an on-tape magazine ?" 1 a computer language ?","Who is credited with inventing the idea of computers ?" 1 YOU AT X Y 1 ROBOT R X Y L SPEED 1 Press Q to load next item or any other key to continue 1 PLATFORM X,Y,L,A$ 1 In this program is a set of tenquestions which form the first half of our competition. Answer each question in turn when your computer prompts you to do so." 1 EXIT AT Y (X=31) 1 BORDER A$ 1 "" !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! " !!!!!! !!!!! !! " !!!!! !!!!! !!! "" !!!!! !!!! !! """"" !!!! !!!! !! """" !!!! !!!! !!! "" "" 1 !!!!!!!!!!! """ 1 !!!!!!!!!! " 1 !!!!!! """ 1 !!!! """ 1 !! 1 How to enter:-": 1 How to enter:- 1 !!!!!!!!!!!! "" 1 !!!!!!!!!!! "" 1 !!!!!!!!!!! " 1 to continue 1 Seige on the Volga Beyond 48k press any key to read reviewY 1 Shadowfire Beyond 48k press any key to read reviewY 1 d 1 " " 1 1 1 1